From additional funds to grow your small business or improving a part of your home to an unexpected medical expense, we’ll make sure you’ll get what you need
Skyro cash loan details
From additional funds to grow your small business or improving a part of your home to an unexpected medical expense, we’ll make sure you’ll get what you need
Approval time
1 to 7 days
Flexible payment terms
6, 9, or 12 monthly installments
Loanable amount
Up to ₱250,000
Interest rate
From as low as 1.5% to 7% monthly
Origination fee
16.6% of the approved loan amount or ₱5,000
whatever is lower
Late payment fee
₱500 but not higher than 5% of loan disbursement amount
Only one valid ID should be submitted
No collateral needed
Here’s a sample computation:
₱50,000 for 12 months with interest rate of 1.5% and origination fee of ₱5,000: loan amount will be ₱55,000, monthly payment of ₱5,043 with interest.
(This example is for illustrative purposes only and it is assumed that payments are made on time).
Are there any other perks? Of course, we would love to go the extra mile for you!
Easy access to loan information in a nice and simple Skyro app
Free reminder notifications
Convenient payment channels through banks, over-the-counter partners or e-wallets
Early partial or full payment can be made at any moment with a pre-payment fee of 5%
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Advanced Finance Solutions, Inc. is certified by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Registration No.: 2022080063542-00. Financing company license No.: F-22-0029-37. Address: 20F Cyber Sigma, Lawton Avenue, Bonifacio South, Taguig City, 1637 Metro Manila
Skyro Lending, Inc.(formerly Jungle Lending, Inc.) is certified by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Registration No.: CS202002223. Lending company license No.: 3249. Address: 3006 30F, One Corporate Center, Meralco Avenue corner Julia Vargas Avenue, San Antonio, Pasig City, 1605 Metro Manila
Advanced Finance Solutions, Inc. and Skyro Lending, Inc. are affiliate companies operating under the same brand name, SKYRO